Hi, I'm Walid.

I'm a Frontend Developer

In the past 3 years, I transitioned from a military background into the tech industry, leveraging self-learning into freelancing to build and scale applications for clients. I've also dedicated time to intriguing personal projects. Let's connect!

Walid Lamraoui | Frontend Developer


Howdy! I'm Walid Lamraoui, Talented web developer with strong teamwork and excellent soft skills, contributing seamlessly to collaborative projects.

I have experience working in both the frontend development and backend development worlds, with a focus on frontend web development. I'm passionate about creating beautiful, responsive websites that provide a great user experience.

My skills include HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Typescript and various frontend frameworks like React, Vue, and Next. I've also worked with backend technologies like Firebase, Node.js, MongoDB and Laravel, allowing me to build full-stack applications.

When I'm not coding, I enjoy writting poetry. I believe that maintaining a healthy work-life balance is crucial for staying productive and motivated.

I'm always looking for new challenges and opportunities to learn and grow as a developer. If you're interested in working together or have any questions, please don't hesitate to get in touch! 🔗

Use at work

HTML5CSS3JavaScriptTailwindTypeScriptReactNextjsRedux/RTKNodeJSExpressMongoDBPostgresFirebaseSanityGitHubDockerGitHub ActionsJestCypress

Use for fun

React NativeSolid.jsFigmaGraphQLAppwriteSupabaseVercelPHPLaravelGolangPythonFastAPIPhoenix


An image of the Innerspace project.


React - Nextjs - Tailwind - Firebase - Framer Motion - Stripe - Sanity - Jest - Github Actions - Eslint - Vercel

Bridge the gap to mental well-being – A therapy website connects patients with experienced therapists for personalized and confidential support.
Learn more >

An image of the MoviPlaza project.


React - Next - Tailwind - DaisyUI - TmDB API - Eslint - Prettier - commitlint - Vercel

Unlock a world of movies and TV shows online with our TMDB API-powered website for seamless discovery and enjoyment.
Learn more >

An image of the Ebuy project.


React - Nextjs - Tailwind - Redux - Eslint - Prettier - commitlint - Vercel

Discover eBuy: a sleek online store powered by Next.js, Redux, and a dynamic API for a seamless shopping adventure!
Learn more >

An image of the PyNotes project.


Python - mkdocs - mkdocs-material - mkdocs-static-i18n - Github Actions

Elevate your Python programming skills with our intuitive documentation hub. (Under Continuous Development)
Learn more >

Experience & Open Source.

BeeWare Project
  • Fixed a bug that was causing installation issues on the beeware website repository
  • Helped Translating many pages into Arabic
PythonLektorMarkdownGitGithubGithub Actions
Pywebview Project
  • Made a simple boilerplate to help new developers start with pywebview and React
  • Earned my first Starstruck badge because of this repository
2023 - Present
Web Developer
  • Developed efficient web applications with React and Next.js
  • Built robust backends using Laravel, Flask, and MySQL
  • Ensured seamless version control and collaboration with Git
  • Containerized applications for flexibility using Docker and automated workflow
ReactNextjsLaravelFlaskMysqlGitGithubDockerGithub Actions


Have an idea to discuss? Shoot me an email if you want to connect! You can also find me on Linkedin if that's more your speed.